Wednesday, July 18, 2007

How come he can do that?

We went to Smith's last night and I let the boys pick out some treats from the bins there. Runts & chinese crackers, funny huh. Connor ate all of his food, veggies, chicken and all. Wyatt had...not even a bite. But he wanted the candy of course. I let Connor have his and I put Wyatt up on the counter with his food. I was busy cleaning up the kitchen when I see out of the corner of my eye, Connor sneaking him candy. I ask Connor if he can try to get Wyatt to take a bite of food. Wyatt totally let Connor feed him! How does he do that? Stinker. Both of them are stinkers.

Not a clear picture, but I still love it


Bati said...

How does he do it???
Well, Wyatt listens to Connor necause Connor is a male. And as Modern science has proven again and again, all females are crazy and not to be trusted! It's basic science people!

PS I gots me a blog!

Caitlin said...

Okay, they are so dang cute. I can't believe he was sneaking him candy!

Amber said...

Those boys are do cute! They are going to be good buds!

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