Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I know, I need new photos to post!

Sorry for the lack of pictures. Life is such a scramble.

I had some blood-work done over the weekend and I got a call today that my sugar level is too high, so I have to go back and get more blood taken. Yuck! I'm sure things are fine, but it's just a hassle I don't have time for. I know I should be taking better care of myself, maybe this is a wake up call.

I had my second exam tonight, I think I did pretty well. We'll see.................


kristy said...

Hi Brooke! It's Kristy (Riding) Dorrough. Andrea told me about your blog. It's so fun to read about what you're up to and the cute things that your boys are doing. Sounds like you're super busy, but I hope you're doing well!
love, Kristy

kristy said...

of course you can add me! Can I add you, too?? If I can figure out how to. =)
I hope your next blood tests show that you're healthy and well. Take care of yourself!

Emily said...

Oh,Brooke! I hope you did well on your test!

Jen Rose said...

Are you ok? What's going on with your blood sugar?

Caitlin said...

High blood sugar? Hope it turns out okay...

Brooke said...

I'll let you know as soon as I get the results back. I'm going in today for the test. It sucks, I can't eat or drink for 12 hours before. And you know yesterday I was trying to eat no sugar....salad sucks. I love carbs, maybe that's why my sugar level is high.

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I enjoy making it through the day.