Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Grandparent's Day

Connor's school had a Grandparent's breakfast last Friday and since my dad was already babysitting....he took Wyatt along as well. After giving the kids 4 cinnamon rolls each and a few cups of juice later...someone finally told my dad to leave some for everybody else ;) Thanks Dad for being so awesome!

As you can tell, Eeyore pretty much goes everywhere with Wyatt. The other day Wyatt said, "Mom, Eeyore said sh*t!" Eeyore goes "potty", carries grocery bags, makes me tickle his arm and sometimes bugs Wyatt because he doesn't share. Yesterday we had a close call and almost lost Eeyore for good. Now I'm not gonna lie...I was a little scared. But Eeyore is a survivor and made it back to us. A kid at the babysitter's house threw him over the neighbor's fence (who weren't home) and their dogs took him into their house through the doggie door. Whew, good thing that guy's back safe.


Caitlin said...

Eeyore swore?! That is hilarious!

Your blog is one of the "Recommended Reading" in google reader!

P.S. I need your e-mail address

Brooke said...

Whoa that's scary...

Leah said...

EEYORE..thank goodness you're SAFE!

Mucho take it easy... said...

Tom is such a good sport! I love it!

Mucho take it easy... said...

Oh, and do we need to wash Eeyore's mouth out with soap?!

Amy Bailey said...

Your dad is so awesome! You are really lucky that you live close to grandparents. Dylan has started emailing my parents just to keep in touch.

Lenzi said...

Your dad is so stinkin' cute! And Eeyore.. he totally rocks haha potty mouth!

Mandy said...

What did you think your dad should feed them carrots and celery. He sounds like the perfect Grandpa to me. What a mean mom.

TeenageNewmanNinjaTurtles said...

OK miss do you stay hot while you are camping? lol..and I'm def going to try that flubber idea and I don't even have kids...I just love weird stuff like that so that's why I need kids. By the way...your boys are soooo freakin cute. Be careful..I might still one..I want a lil blonde kid..haha. Your soo cute we all need to go hang out!

Brad and Leslie said...

Your dad is so cute...and I was lovin me some Wyatt today. He looked so sad until I gave him a cookie! Cookies really do make it all better.

Spread the word for me - I'm doing a Salt City candle party this week, just in time for yummy holiday scents! :) My e-mail address is on my blog...

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I enjoy making it through the day.