Mother's Day is always special because I love being a mom and I have so much gratitude for my mom and Robin. I have received so much service at their finger tips...
Thank you Mom for your example of giving of yourself time and time again with nothing expected in return. You are one of the most selfless people I know and I love you. Your actions over the years speak much louder than any of the lessons you ever gave. I love you.
However....the day always comes and goes quietly each year with the same feeling in my heart. I'm stealing this from a friend of mine ( I hope you don't mind!) because it captures exactly how I feel about my two sweet boys I have in my care.
"I am overwhelmed by my inadequacy, but in awe of their unconditional love. I believe with all my heart that they deserve better in their lives. I cannot possibly put into words how much love, happiness, & joy I want for them. Truly, they give me life, they give me purpose."
I love those two fuzzy headed, wild, little boys. I love how Connor takes care of me & Wyatt. I love how he sings to me. I love how Wyatt talks in different silly voices and makes faces at himself in the mirror. I love how we all snuggle in my bed and watch movies together. I love the dandelions they pick for me to put in my hair and how they always tell me I look pretty. I love how Wyatt tells me, "you best"
I hope they know I love them. I hope they know I'm trying my best.