Sunday, August 5, 2007


is Connor so dang funny. The other night he said another cuss word. I don't even know if he knew what he was saying. He got it from Goonies...great. Another movie we have to be careful about. He knocked over a waterbottle in the car and he said, "OH, SHITS!" I was so surprised. I didn't know whether to laugh or not!

Today he was trying to put Wyatt down for a nap. He said he had a list of 4 things that Wyatt needed to go to sleep.

1. a warm blanket

2. the fan on

3. a book

4. a sippy cup with water before the nap

Man, he can put me to sleep anythime.

Friday night I checked on Wyatt in his crib and I saw Connor had laid out his clothes for the next day. He is too much. It's only like a bazillion degrees outside and he wants to wear a jacket. .....and shades. Can't forget the sunglasses he laid out.


Jen Rose said...

Laying out that outfit is seriously classic. Gotta love the sunglasses too!

Patti said...

Patrick said the word casually walking down the basement stairs with his dad. He was 4 . . . Yep, from Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead.

You boys are the CUTEST.

Caitlin said...

I love that he lays out his clothes, too.

It's a good thing I'm not there anymore because you know I wouldn't have been able to contain my laugher...

Cherise said...

Brookey Pooler, How in the heck are you? I saw your name on Jen's links...CRAZY!! Your boys are so cute! Can I add you to my links?

Brooke said...

For sure! I saw a picture of your little boys too...he is so cute! He looks like a Mecham!

And thanks guys for all the nice comments on the condo. You guys are so cool. Patti, you crack me up.

Amber said...

Connor is so funny about his clothes. And they are set out exactly how he wears them!

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I enjoy making it through the day.