Sunday, August 31, 2008

Safari Birthday

Had so much fun on at Kenidee's "safari" bday party. They had this lady come and she had all these snakes, lizards, an exotic bird, baby kangaroo, hedge hog...all kinds of crazy stuff. I couldn't pass up a chance to carry that huge snake around and sing I'M A SLAVE 4 YOU!! haha!!! That thing was heavy! Well...we had a great time and you can't miss a party where they have reptiles and cotton candy. Thanks Jana & Gabe for inviting us!!

Gotta give a shout out to Dave Denton and his fam! We visited them Saturday morning and had a blast! They have such a FUN house and my kids never wanted to leave. Thanks for having us over. We gotta do something again sometime.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day

Connor started kindergarten on Monday... He was super excited! Wyatt was bummed to be left out of all of this school business. But lets get people aren't his thing anyway! But new shoes, school supplies and picking out yummy food for his lunch box....makes me want to go to school too! Connor loves it and has friends in his class already. Too bad he already got in trouble yesterday at school!!! You should hear him tell about it. I guess he told Debbie, "my mom was SOOOOO mad at me!!!" I hope I scared him enough :) ha ha!

The night before school I opened the box of Con's new school shoes and found a washcloth around keep them clean. Hmmmmm.... I LOVE that kid.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


A few IMPORTANT things we've been up to like trying on moustaches

We went to Spring Mtn. Ranch to see Aida on Saturday night. My cuz Nicole has one of the leading roles and she is so awesome! Her voice is amazing and her character is so fun. I wanted to tell everyone that I was related to her! Congrats Nicole, you are amazing!

Sunday dinner with the Duke cousins. We have a kazillion little boys all about the same age. When we get gets crazy. When they take their shirts off....for some weird reason...they get even crazier. This pic only shows a few of them, but believe me...we had a roomful of WT boys with no shirts on running around thinking it was wrestle-mania. I loved Amber yelling at them to calm down!! You're the best Amber!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On my mind..

Decisions and tiny choices…
All lead to gigantic outcomes
Thread by thread we are bound
Choice by choice we are lead
Down a path that we create
With small choices made everyday
We build our life
We choose our course
Blinded by it seeming to affect one
But their rippling effects touch many

My friend Kristin is recently divorced with 4 small kids....her husband got involved in drugs and it tore their family apart. He lost jobs, he lost his family and recently lost his life. Leaving her with the responsibility to take care of these little ones. Leaving her to tell them their dad had died.

I've just been thinking a lot about how our small choices lead us to where we are in our lives. How we think small ones don't make such an impact. Some take us off course just a little bit, but if you continue at that angle for long long are miles away from where you wanted to be.

I'm not just talking about my friend's ex-husband...or mine!! :) I'm talking about all of us and me included. I took an apple to work the other day and it had a yucky spot on it so I cut it off. I took a big bite into it on the opposite side and it tasted so NASTY. I was thinking how we make choices in our lives that we THINK only affect certain things. But it's not true. It carries over into every area of our life. I had to throw that whole apple away because that one rotten spot tainted the whole taste of the apple.

Just a few of my thoughts about choices to encourage us all to be better...especially me. Keep my eye on the ball and not get caught up in making a lot of small bad choices that lead to big ones.

Peace Out!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


"Mom, I tried to behave........................but I just couldn't."

Saturday, August 2, 2008


We went to the William's ranch today for a company party and had so much fun on that dang swing again! I had a blast doing flips off it! Sorry you guys have to see a picture of my bum bum.

Here is also a picture of most of the people who work at Discount Dumpsters. I'm diggin Jeff & Scott's hair the best. Fun to take pics right after you've been swimming :)

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I enjoy making it through the day.