Friday, June 22, 2007

I got my test results....................

I totally have diabetes. That sucks. It's not bad, but I have to take medicine and test my blood in the morning and at night for a few weeks to make sure the medicine is regulating everything ok. Do I have time for this? I don't think so. I guess putting me last on the list isn't going to work anymore.


Amber said...

Brooke! You are kidding me!! I am so sorry. Girl stop putting yourself last on the list. (I know that is easier to say then do!)

Candace said...

oh my gosh!!! that is a serious thing isn't it?!

Do you have to watch what you eat?

kristy said...

Brooke, we're so worried about!! We need more details. We hope you're okay!!

Brooke said...

Ya, I really have to watch what I eat now. I have to go to this diabetic education thing to learn more about what foods to eat & how to use the blood testing machine. My mother-in-law got me a magazine about diabetes yesterday and I've been reading lots of stuff on the internet to find out more.

Jen Rose said...

Brooke - you totally have to make sure you take really good care of yourself because that can be a scary thing!

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